If you watch a children’s show, the words fashion and pension could be placed side by side, primarily because they rhyme. And then kids will sing and shout because they found a rhyme.
But that is not reality. The fact of the matter is that fashion and pension are from opposite sides of the spectrum. You see, the concept of fashion deals with the present and pension thinks about the concerns of the future. Fashion is about what is hot at the moment but pension also includes how you can stay fashionable and live in style during your retirement years.
Let us face it, many of us want to step out in style from head to toe. We read fashion magazines and look at what celebs wear. We try to follow them and buy everything from clothes to shoes to accessories. We feel good when we do so. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
However, let us just remember that we should not overdo it and sacrifice our needs in the years to come. While being trendy will make us feel good now, how will we feel with the supply runs out?
The point of the matter is moderation. We should start somewhere. For one, we should realize that fashion should not always be that expensive. While it is nice to splurge on luxury pieces from time to time, it is still okay if we don’t do it every day. There are many avenues for you to find great items for less.
Additionally, don’t say that you don’t know how to plan for the future. If you need help in the area of retirement planning, then do consult mypensionexpert.com.
So while living a fashionable lifestyle now is great, coping with the newest trends, let us remember not to overdo it. Let us also set aside some money for our future.