I hear you. True enough that having a constipation is stressful! It’s ruining your beauty! With constipation, most likely you will loose a laxative. But don’t you know that it is also dangerous? I did not know too.
But a 2-year health consultant, John, offered us an article about laxative.
What is a Laxative?
Laxatives are tablets, foods, compounds or teas that evacuate the lower digestive tract of built up waste, relieving tension and helping the body repair itself; laxatives are used as a painless measure to loosen the stool and encourage a long trip to the bathroom – in other words, expect a long sit and significant relief. If you’ve ever experienced constipation, you’ve more than likely taken a laxative at some point, whether brewing up an herbal tea or treating your taste buds to a spring fruit salad, full of mango, grapes, figs, banana, blueberries, peaches, pineapple and pears – all natural laxatives. If you want to know more about laxatives researching further on websites like dulcolax.com.au are useful as they are specifically written to help you in that area.
What is Laxative Abuse?
Laxatives are popular stop-gaps for those with eating disorders, using between three to fifty tablets a day, regulating perceived weight-gain and quickly purging the body of calories – the small intestine processes calories a short time after consumption; as the laxative takes full effect, calories have been absorbed into the body. Laxatives are widely thought to be a safer alternative to oral regurgitation – this cannot be further from the truth.
Why is it Dangerous?
Disrupting Bowel Function
Men and women who rely on laxatives for weight loss goals run the risk of severely damaging their digestive system. While their body is put through its paces and the bathroom runs a long clock, they lose intestinal muscle tone, weakening their bodies and causing bloating, gas and abdominal pain, incontinence and laxative reliance. While most of the above symptoms are reversible and usually dissipate once the colon and intestines to get back to work, some people may experience long term side effects and become solely reliant on laxatives to pass a bowel movement.
Electrolyte and Potassium Imbalances
The human body operates on a range of chemical balances, messages and impulses. An imbalance can wreak havoc on both a cellular and organ level. Laxative addicts will commonly cause an imbalance of electrolytes; you may have heard of these, especially if you have suffered from diarrhea or a gastrointestinal bug – an electrolyte disturbance interrupts the flow of nerve impulse broadcasts, critical to many bodily functions. Think of it like jamming a radio signal; if your brain can’t tune in, it won’t get the message and thus, the colon will let go or cease to work altogether.
Perhaps more seriously, a potassium imbalance may be caused by forced digestion or purging, causing the intestines to malfunction and lose their ability to absorb nutrients fast enough to satisfy biology. Muscle weakness, numbness, irregular heartbeat, seizures and paralysis can all occur in seemingly healthy individuals. Don’t be fooled, laxative abuse can be fatal.
How Can I Overcome Laxative Abuse?
Talk to Somebody
Don’t be afraid to talk to somebody. Most laxative abusers have very unrealistic expectations and impressions of their own body; self-perception is often skewed to negative thoughts and very real fears regarding size and fat. Although Thinspo sites profess to provide support, they don’t; they will feed and damage your self-esteem, feeding into the belief you are not beautiful or wonderful as you are. You deserve better than that.
Consult Your GP
Make sure your GP is someone you trust. The last thing you need right now is a judgmental health professional; instead, explain the situation to your GP and start a post-laxative addiction plan. Don’t cut cold turkey; a sudden discontinuation may damage the delicate tapestry of colonic bacteria.
Don’t Freak Out
Your body will re-adjust to being hydrated. By purging your body of nutrients and taking laxatives, you’ve been depriving your cells of much needed H20. You will get a little water retention – you are not fat. If you’re feeling any distress, bring it to your counselor or talk to someone who you trust, outside the same destructive circle.
This is a guest post.
Author Bio: John is a health consultant and has been for the past 2 years. In his spare time he likes to write blogs about health, fitness and all round well-being.
Disclaimer: The owner of this blog and the author of this article claim NO EXPERTISE in the field of medicine discussed above. It is always imperative to consult with your physician.