You’ve got a good collection of dresses on your closet or some fashionable or beauty items but you want to sell or give it away because you may not able to use them. Either the items won’t fit you anymore or you’ve just bought it as result of being an impulsive buyer.
If you do not know yet, there’s a website where you can socialized with people of the same interest on fashion, and also created as an arena of selling, buying or swapping items! Of course, the products being promoted are of good quality, new or slightly used or bought but never used.
And what’s more exciting is that you can create your own store or bazaar for FREE at Clozette!
Bazaar page (all categories).
I have been a member for a while but amazingly, I got addicted on browsing latest items posted by those fashionistas! I’ve got a lot of stuffs bookmarked and will soon buy it online through Clozette Bazaar Channel!
I am planning to create my own online store too. Can you help me make a great name for it? I’m going to sell shoes and sandals! The chosen suggestion will be rewarded!
You too can join Clozette and experience the benefits of creating FREE Online store.